mac 无法安装 恶意软件_如何从Mac删除恶意软件和广告软件
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mac 无法安装 恶意软件

mac 无法安装 恶意软件

Yes, Macs can get malware. Beyond traditional viruses, worms, and Trojans,  that bombard you with ads and spy on your web browsing, just like on Windows.

是的,Mac可能会感染恶意软件。 除了传统的病毒,蠕虫和特洛伊木马之外, 它们像在Windows上一样,通过广告和间谍轰炸您。

Macs do have some integrated protection against malware, but it isn’t perfect. Crucially, that protection against malware doesn’t block all the adware and spyware bundled with application downloads.

Mac确实具有针对恶意软件的一些集成保护功能,但这并不是完美的。 至关重要的是,针对恶意软件的保护不会阻止与应用程序下载捆绑在一起的所有广告软件和间谍软件。

在Mac上使用Malwarebytes (Use Malwarebytes for Mac)

Malwarebytes makes well-regarded security utilities for Windows. Malwarebytes originally expanded into the Mac security software arena by purchasing and rebranding a popular application named “Adware Medic” that we and others have used successfully in the past.

Malwarebytes为Windows提供了广受好评的安全实用程序。 Malwarebytes最初通过购买和重命名我们和其他公司过去成功使用的流行应用程序“ Adware Medic”并将其重命名而扩展到Mac安全软件领域。

There are now two versions of , a free version and a premium version. The standard scanner that checks for malware on your system and removes it is free. Anyone can manually initiate a scan and remove malware with Malwarebytes for Mac without spending a penny. The Malwarebytes Premium features that will monitor your Mac for malware and spyware, prevent infections before they occur, and automatically download updates do cost money, but Malwarebytes does provide a 30-day free trial.

现在有的两个版本,一个免费版本和一个高级版本。 用于检查系统上的恶意软件并将其删除的标准扫描仪是免费的。 任何人都可以使用Mac的Malwarebytes手动启动扫描并删除恶意软件,而无需花一分钱。 Malwarebytes Premium功能可监视Mac中的恶意软件和间谍软件,防止感染发生,并自动下载更新,这确实要花钱,但是Malwarebytes确实提供30天的免费试用。

If you want to remove malware, spyware, and other garbage software from your Mac, we recommend you download and run Malwarebyes. The free version is fine if you just want to check for and remove malware. If you want something that runs in the background, automatically scans your downloads, and monitors your system, you’ll want the paid version.

如果要从Mac删除恶意软件,间谍软件和其他垃圾软件,建议您下载并运行Malwarebyes。 如果您只想检查并删除恶意软件,则免费版本可以。 如果您想要在后台运行的内容,自动扫描下载内容并监视系统,则需要付费版本。

We’ve been happy with Malwarebytes on Windows for years and recommend it, and the Mac version also seems solid. We recommended it back when it was just an “Adware Medic” tool that could only manually scan your system for malware, and we’re happy the automatic protection features are now available for people who want them.

多年来,我们一直对Windows上的Malwarebytes感到满意并推荐它,而Mac版本似乎也很可靠。 当它只是一个“ Adware Medic”工具,只能手动扫描您的系统中的恶意软件时,我们建议使用该工具,我们很高兴现在对需要它们的人可以使用自动保护功能。

如何在Mac上避免恶意软件 (How to Avoid Malware on a Mac)

Yes, obnoxious junk software is still a problem on a Mac. Macs do have an anti-malware feature known as , but it only blocks a handful of the most nasty pieces of malware after they’ve become widespread. It won’t necessarily block anything new, and it won’t stand in the way of all the adware and spyware out there. You need to follow good online safety practices to , just like you do on a Windows PC.

是的,令人讨厌的垃圾软件在Mac上仍然是个问题。 Mac确实具有被称为的反恶意软件功能,但在它们传播之后,它只能阻止少数最讨厌的恶意软件。 它不一定会阻止任何新内容,也不会妨碍所有广告软件和间谍软件的出现。 您需要遵循良好的在线安全规范,以 ,就像在Windows PC上一样。

Much of the nastiest adware arrives the same way it does on Windows, via junkware-packed installers from application-downloading sites like download.com or via shady advertisements that push you to an unofficial, tainted installer. Get your applications from the Mac App Store or the developer’s website. Avoid running unsigned software—that means only allowing apps downloaded from the .

大部分最讨厌的广告软件都可以通过在Windows上以与Windows相同的方式到达,它们可以通过来自download.com之类的应用程序下载站点的垃圾软件安装程序来实现,也可以通过可将您推向非官方,受污染的安装程序的阴暗广告来实现。 从Mac App Store或开发人员的网站获取您的应用程序。 避免运行未签名的软件-这意味着仅允许从下载 。

Unlike on Windows, there’s no Add/Remove programs window where you can go to see what’s installed and quickly uninstall it on a Mac. On Windows, most of the “legal” crapware allows you to uninstall it from here. On a Mac, it can be tough to know how to uninstall this junk. Malwarebytes should be able to find and uninstall this junkware automatically, which is why it’s so useful.

与Windows不同,这里没有添加/删除程序窗口,您可以在其中查看已安装的程序并在Mac上快速将其卸载。 在Windows上,大多数“合法”的垃圾软件都允许您从此处卸载它。 在Mac上,很难知道如何卸载该垃圾。 Malwarebytes应该能够自动找到并卸载此垃圾软件,这就是为什么它如此有用的原因。

完整的Mac防病毒程序如何? (What About Full Mac Antivirus Programs?)

Quite a few antivirus companies are now also creating (and selling) full antivirus programs for macOS. These applications are similar to their Windows equivalents, featuring full background-scanning of all the applications you run and files you access as well as other features. Malwarebytes Premium for Mac now functions in this way, too.

现在,有相当多的防病毒公司也在为macOS创建(并销售)完整的防病毒程序。 这些应用程序与Windows等价物类似,它们对您运行的所有应用程序和您访问的文件以及其他功能进行全面的后台扫描。 Mac的Malwarebytes Premium现在也以这种方式运行。

We’ll be honest here—we’re not completely sure what to recommend if you’re looking for a more traditional antivirus program. There haven’t been as many tests that compare Mac antivirus software as there have for Windows antivirus software. Malwarebytes for Mac is a great quick removal tool and now offers automatic scanning features if you want them. It will remove most of the obnoxious software out there, which makes it our main pick. On Windows, most of the antivirus programs won’t even remove this obnoxious adware and spyware (called ), so we’re not even sure a full antivirus would even be as good as Malwarebytes at battling the most entry points.

我们在这里很诚实-如果您正在寻找更传统的防病毒程序,我们不确定要推荐什么。 进行Mac防病毒软件比较的测试没有Windows防病毒软件进行过的测试那么多。 Mac的Malwarebytes是一种出色的快速删除工具,现在可以根据需要提供自动扫描功能。 它将删除大多数讨厌的软件,这使其成为我们的主要选择。 在Windows上,大多数防病毒程序甚至都不会删除这种令人讨厌的广告软件和间谍软件(称为 ),因此我们甚至无法确定完整的防病毒软件在抗争方面甚至不如Malwarebytes。最多的切入点

If you do stick to the Mac App Store and keep your software updated, you’re probably fine. On the other hand, if you download a lot of software from the web and potentially even bypass your Mac’s protections to install unsigned applications from unknown developers, an antivirus with full background scanning might be a better idea. However, like on a Windows PC, an antivirus that’s always scanning in the background can make your Mac a bit slower and drain battery life.

如果您坚持使用Mac App Store并保持软件更新,则可能还不错。 另一方面,如果您从网络上下载了大量软件,甚至可能绕过Mac的保护,无法安装来自未知开发人员的未签名应用程序,那么具有完整背景扫描的防病毒软件可能是一个更好的主意。 但是,就像在Windows PC上一样,始终在后台扫描的防病毒软件会使Mac变慢,并耗尽电池寿命。

We recommend as the top free antivirus for Mac.  gave it good grades and it doesn’t try to install any additional software on your PC. It just requires you create a free Sophos account before you can download it. Give it a try if you’re looking for a free, full-featured antivirus with on-demand scanning. If your Mac is already infected, this application can perform a full system-scan for malware, just as they can on Windows.

我们建议将作为上排名第一的免费防病毒软件。 给它很好的成绩,它不会尝试在您的PC上安装任何其他软件。 它只要求您创建一个免费的Sophos帐户,然后才能下载它。 如果您正在寻找具有按需扫描功能的免费,功能齐全的防病毒软件,请尝试一下。 如果您的Mac已经被感染,则此应用程序可以像在Windows上一样对恶意软件进行全面的系统扫描。

“Macs don’t get malware” and “you don’t need antivirus on a Mac” are old pieces of advice that aren’t necessarily true anymore. Macs are vulnerable to malware. For example, the Flashback Trojan at one point infected around the world. Macs also now have a problem with adware and other junkware provided in software installers, just as Windows does.

“ Mac不会感染恶意软件”和“ Mac上不需要防病毒软件”是陈旧的建议,这些建议已不再适用。 Mac容易受到恶意软件的攻击。 例如,闪回木马曾一度感染全球 。 与Windows一样,Mac现在也存在软件安装程序中提供的广告软件和其他垃圾软件的问题。

is a solid tool in any Mac user’s toolkit. Full antivirus applications aren’t necessarily as mandatory as they are on Windows yet, but you might want them if you download a lot of applications from the web and are particularly worried.

是任何Mac用户工具包中的可靠工具。 完整的防病毒应用程序不一定像Windows上那样具有强制性,但是如果您从网络上下载了很多应用程序并且特别担心,则可能需要它们。


mac 无法安装 恶意软件


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